Friday, February 13, 2009

Breastfeeding another's baby - Taboo?

Copying this from my other blog.

Have you all seen this video clip of Salma Hayek breastfeeding another mother's baby in Africa? Taboo or beautiful?

If anyone knows me, they know how I would respond. An absolutely beautiful, human, loving, gracious gift.

Would you do this?

Absolutely yes.

Would your husband be okay with it?

Absolutely yes. He would be my biggest supporter. What a darling he is.

I guess a lot of Americans think it's inappropriate, yucky, taboo. It's okay to run to the store and buy formula, or maybe possibly okay to pump breastmilk and feed the hungry baby that way. But to offer your breast - no. Here we are, America, leading country in the world, and we're offended by a mother using her breast to give succor to another's child. Let Victoria Secret models almost totally expose their small, pert breasts, but God forbid should a woman partially expose her life giving breasts to feed a baby. Yeah, let's keep breasts a sexual object, by all means, and never honor them for their highest purpose.

Scratching my head....


Kathryn Knoll said...

My thoughts exactly! As always another wonderful and thought provoking post. For years I have had a problem with how "the world" dictates to women how they should use their bodies. All over the world women have been wet nurses for other women's babies. It is perfectly natural. Some American are such prudes!

Unknown said...

I'm so glad you came by my blog, as otherwise I would never have happened up this great post.

I have long felt as you do. I nursed two babies; the second until she was almost three. And I say screw them if they didn't like it!!

And yes, I would nurse another woman's child if needed. I once saw a woman do this for the child of a friend for whom she was caring: her friend was late and the baby was hungry and crying. She had a baby only a few months different in age and with her own baby well-fed and asleep, she proceeded to not only feed but comfort her friend's baby as well. It was very touching.

Otherwise, this doesn't happen much in our society. Instead, as you so eloquently pointed out, woman are asked to leave - airplanes, restaurants and malls - if they have a hungry baby to feed. It's truly screwed up.

I loved this post. I will be back!


Maithri said...

Absolutely beautiful!

Thanks for sharing this,

Peace and light, Maithri

Thorne said...

I'm so pleased to have discovered you via you discovering Pagan Sphinx! We LOVE Selma! Bless her heart! I would share my breast milk (if I had some) with any hungry child! Franky, I cannot understand... even begin to wrap my head around... a mother who wouldn't.